samedi 25 septembre 2010

Samoan Tattoo

Short movie to show the Traditionnal Hand-Tap, Lama, Chisel, many different words but only one way to tattoo in Samoa.
The traditionnal Samoan Tattoo is Pe'a. This is a specific traditionnal tattoo made in 5 to 7 days and the design and details are different for the mens and womens. There is many rules when the Pe'a is made for example it have to be made in the Fale (samoan house), everyone have to wear the lava-lava (pareo style), you don't have to be stand in the fale, when you sit you have to cross your legs, ...

Anyway for those who wants more details there is some links under the video, enjoy:

By SULU'APE PETER, Samoan artist, Son of Sulu'Ape Alivaa Petelo

A great blog with some nice explications on this LINK
And a good website with some samoan traditionnal design HERE

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