mardi 31 mai 2011

Malaisie, seconde partie

Kuala Lampur:

Cameron Highlands:

Mossy Forest, the most beautifull :

Anytime is Tea Time!!


Kuala Kangsar:

Taiping :

Regalade du coucher de soleil et de son folklore de couleur :

dimanche 1 mai 2011

Tokyo in Black & White

Tokyo streets sample but only Shinjuku for this time:

Tokyo streets are Umbrella's cemetery after a rainy day

Clouds everywhere


Back in Japan where the life goes one...

   Here i am after, in Tokyo one month after the earthquake and the tsunamis. The life in Tokyo is the same, nothing change, people try to save the country and to keep safe the economy.
Not easy to be here and to enjoy but peoples are still the same and if i went in japan its for sharing and giving some good vibes because they need that.